All fictions located on this website are of fiction and high aspirations.
Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's/authors'
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Any resemblance(s) to actual events, locales, organisations, organisms, or persons, living or dead or living-dead,
is/are entirely coincidental.
In other words, I am not to be held responsible for any damages caused,
so please don't sue me.

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All rights reserved by the fictions' respective authors.
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Website Copyright:
Just A Jumble of Wordsv.2.0 is a product of
xz0ne propaganda
xz0ne version 3.0

. No part of this website itself may be used or replicated in any manner
without prior permission from hidoko Matsumoto (aka the webmaster),
except, of course, in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.