Falun Gong V.S. DEG Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today we shall discuss the similarities of Falun Gong and Dir en Grey. Falun Gong, in case we all are too engrossed in the fact that Bush can't speak properly and neglect world events, is a cult modified from Taoism, Buddhism and Chinese traditional morality. As for Dir en Grey, it is a japanese visual kei band consisting of five members. While there may not be a difference on the surface, extensive research has revealed important points regarding these two objects and their factors. Let us take a detailed study of each piece of the jigsaw puzzle to piece it into one big wholesome picture. The followers of Dir en Grey and Falun Gong are similar in that they are both unafraid of death. Although this is similar, the differences of this area lie in the fact that Falun Gong followers and Dir en Grey fans are unafraid for two totally different reasons. For one, Falun Gong members are not afraid of death so long as it stands in the way of the ultimate course, which is to stay unswayed in their beliefs and to defend from the attacks of communism yeilded by its killer-cradle. Dir en Grey fans, on the other hand, are not afraid of death when it is simply torturous. They like to face death in the sense of ultimate despair, because it is what Dir en Grey songs potray and they mistake it to be a preaching. Falun Gong members and Dir en Grey fans are both emotional and violent. In Mainland China, when anyone went out with a Falun Gong banner chanting "Falun Gong, Falun Gong", he/she got dragged away by the police (whose police uniform look absolutely gorgeous, mind you) because it was against the law. These "POWs" were usually locked up, beaten, or thrown into mental institutions. However, despite this cruel fact, its members continued taunting the government; a few of them even set themselves on fire and sacrificed themselves for the worthy cause. In the end, police on patrol had to place fire extinguishers around strategic areas. As for Dir en Grey fans, they basically have no reason to be emotional and violent; it just is the way that they are deep inside and they see it as an art. In order to potray their art, they act emotionally violent and vice versa. For both of the objects of discussion, it is applicable to say that they are leaders of a needy crowd. Blind for Falun Gong members meant people who were in need of philosophy. These people were tired and worn out from the not-so-old days of revolutions, and they seeked a spiritual resort. Since Falun Gong promoted physical fitness as well, agriculture China residents immediately flocked to believe in this religious cult. Dir en Grey leads a blind crowd that has simply no eyes for themselves to see the route ahead. (Of course, exceptions know who they are) The crowd simply wants something different and wants to be seen as something unique. They seek a mental asylum which will prevent them from being bored to death in this bleak world of pain and darkness. The last but not least which I shall show you is how Falun Gong and Dir en Grey in themselves are similar. Only the blind cannot see this fact that they both have a leading quality towards their followers. In essence, Falun Gong is a religion that wants to be recognized and thus, in the process, becomes a major political threat. The war began between the Central Govt and Falun Gong when it started becoming political; even though Falun Gong claimed to "want no part in it", it was obvious that something was brewing with its immense size. With its mobility, it is a dangerous sect to exist. Dir en Grey is a band that simply is recognized and thus, in the process, becomes a major musical threat. The war between Visual and Non-visual occurred because when bands like DeG started to step up, Visuality became a norm for bands to get on the route of success. DeG is one such example. Its fanbase, huge and infallibly strong, can overthrow the non-visual fans to say that their "idols" have "sold out" simply because they no longer looked pretty. In conclusion, even though geographically and historically DeG and Falun Gong are totally different, the basic similarities are there. With these two major powers brewing trouble in the industries, will. we. be. saved?! -end- note: exceptions know who they are. -hidoko, who is actually pro-china, and tetchan. http://xz0ne.cjb.net voidmatsumoto@yahoo.co.uk