title: untitled
author: hidoko
comments: This is by far the most abstract piece I've ever done.
Try to guess what I'm talking about. *smiles* as a hint, it's not yaoi, not technically. Comments are welcome.
And thanx to those who commented on Daydream with the Clouds. I'll try to cough up part 3 soon.

Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give everything for the present to stay?
Have you ever thought of someone so much, you almost lost yourself in dreams?
Even if the dreams don't come real, I'll wait for them to turn gray. Until then, let me dream.

When I first met you, it was a strange coincidence. It hadn't been you whom I've noticed, or was looking at. I just thought, since you were there, I'd give you a try.
And it turns out, you're the perfect one for me.
Your smiles, your laughters, your talents, your things--they all seep into me, bit by bit, until I'm rendered helpless. Such little things that happen to you, such little things that you've decided, such little things that happened because of you... .They all mean so much to me.
You say you can fly because of the sky.
I believe you, because I see you flying.
Yet at the same time, being only a part of the sky, I can only watch you with tearing eyes as you soar.
Somehow, I wish it's otherwise.
The arc, it stays so insistently. Even though I know all beauties fade, and you will one day, I can't help but wish that you'll be here forever.
My beautiful rainbow.

I'm but a part of the sky...
I can't... I can't fly with you.....
Your color, it shines so brightly that I'm sure the earth will be mistaken for Heaven.
When I see you smile, I can't help but smile, yet at the same time, the smile comes with those tears trapped in my heart.
I love you so much.
I believe, you love the sky too.

However I want to believe, I know, the sky isn't only me.
Maybe that's why, my gray world only consists of the barren land, the blue sky, and that arc.
You will fall if the sky is not there.
But even if I'm not there, the rest of the sky is. It hurts just to be a piece of heaven for you. I'm but a tiny inch set in the faraway place, far from where you reside, where you bloom, and where you start to fade.

The rainbow only appears after the rain.
The rainbow only blooms after the rain.
The rainbow can't exist without the sky.
The rainbow fades as pieces of the sky decide to seek better places.
And all the while, I'm here, watching after you.
Watching, as you smile. Watching, as you give me your nonchalent face.
I want to own that beauty, but I know, not in this life, nor in my next life, will I ever see the true you.
Still I love you so much.
I try to behold the sight of your smile, and I smile as you do.
But do you know, the tears that come because of the pain?

That beautiful person is right by your side. I still love him, but you're different.
You're here, you're a human... No, you're a fallen angel.
You seem so close because of that.
I'm human too, see?
And that smile of your companions, those laughters, those beautiful fingertips that seek each other's warmth, to entwine deeply and to withstand rainy days together...
The rainbow won't blossom without storms.
The storm is over, and I see you there.

But do you know, that this minute piece of your sky is hurting?

Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd embrace even the chasms of death?
Have you ever thought of someone so much, you've already lost yourself in dreams?
Because dreams can never come real, they've already turned gray. Still, even with the fading light, I'll try to dream...

